saffron price in Oman

Key Takeaways :

  • Oman does not have its own saffron fields and imports saffron from other countries
  • Despite this, saffron is popular and widely used in cities like Muscat, Salalah, and Nizwa in Oman.
  • Saffron can be purchased from local shops such as Muttrah Souq, Salalah Gardens Mall, and Nizwa Souq, or online from trusted sellers like the Ghaaneh saffron brand.
Written by Vahid Epagloo, Food Consultant Updated:

Saffron as the most expensive spice in the world is called the red gold. The price of saffron could be more than the gold price. Saffron as an herb and spice has no fixed price and each year you would hear a range of price for saffron in bulk and retail. Almost all sellers explain you that this range could change each day. We are going to discuss saffron price in 2024, in Oman.

Oman is…..

The official name of this country is the Sultanate of Oman. Oman located in the West Asia, on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, and overlooks the mouth of the Persian Gulf. Oman shares the borders with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen, and also shares maritime borders with Iran and Pakistan.

The capital of Oman is called Muscat. Oman is the 124th most populous country in the world with about 4.7 million inhabitants. The country faces The Arabian Sea on the southeast and the Oman Gulf on the northeast.

Do you know saffron?

Saffron is the stigmas that located in the middle of the petals of a beautiful flower that is called saffron flower or Crocus flower in public. The botanical name of this lilac flower is Crocus Sativus. These stigmas have two parts. The first 3-4 centimeters of these stigmas have red color and called the red part. Almost all saffron properties are in this red part. The other part is called the root and is the last one-centimeter of the stigma. This part is yellow or orange.

Usually, saffron threads are the processed stigmas. Some of them are all-red saffron and some have the red and root part together.

Saffron in cities of Oman

Most fields of saffron placed in Asian countries like Iran, India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. But Oman has no fields of saffron. In other word, Oman imports saffron from other countries. Although, Oman imports saffron, approximately people in all cities of this country know and use saffron. We discuss some of these cities and the saffron popularity, application, and connection with them.


The largest, most populated, and capital city of Oman is Muscat. This city is the largest city in the Arabian Peninsula too. Muscat experienced a rapid infrastructural development that led to the growth of the economy and multi-ethnic society, thanks to Qaboos bin Said as Sultan of Oman during 1970.

When a country imports products, the main destination is the capital city. Muscat as the capital of Oman is a city that you can find all types of saffron with various qualities there. People can choose between the saffron from all producers. Usually, industries try to find acceptable quality and cheap price for saffron to use it as a raw material. Finding saffron with these features in Muscat is not hard.


The southern Omani governorate named Dhofar. The largest and capital of Dhofar is SalalahIt is also the third largest city of Oman. This city is one of the popular places for tourists due to Sultan Qaboos bin Said. Salalah is the birthplace of this favorite Omani sultan. Story said that the palace of Qaboos bin Said was always kept ready in Salalah and wait to receive him.

As you know, each touristic city has great markets and trading, Salalah too. That means this city is a great goal for saffron merchants.


The largest city of Ad Dakhiliyah Region of Oman is Nizwa. This city is one of the oldest one in Oman. Once, it was a center of education, art, religion, and trade.

According to these points, the Nizwa has great markets; people from all around the world can find everything there. Saffron trade is one of the most profitable one in the world that means this trade has its special place in this city.

The high price of saffron

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world, and despite its high price it is very popular. The most asked question of consumers from suppliers and producers is why the price of saffron is high? Here, we explain some of the reasons for high price of saffron.

Growing conditions

Saffron has especial growing condition; it means that the growing conditions of saffron are more than climate and weather. You can grow saffron in your garden, but probably you would not achieve a great product.

There are different and professional steps in growing saffron, and a mistake even in one step could destroy the product.

The other important point about growing condition is that most of the steps should be manual and producers need professional labor. All these conditions and needs increase the production costs and would affect the final price.

Processing and Harvesting

Harvesting saffron means that you should pick the saffron flower, but it is not so easy. The flowers should pick at the exact time and the duration of harvesting should not take a long time. Did you see fields of saffron? The saffron flowers are about 3 to 4 inches on the ground. Now, you can imagine how hard is harvesting saffron.

After picking the flowers, labors should separate the stigmas from the petals.

When harvesting is finished, the processing steps started. During processing, the threads separated, cut, and dried based on the types.

Types of saffron

Saffron has different types. These types passed various processing steps and due to these processes are different and have different properties and prices.

There are two different types of saffron, the all-red saffron and the saffron types that have all parts of the stigma.

Sargol, Super Negin, and Negin are types of saffron that have only the red part. Sargol has just the first centimeter of the red part of the threads. Super Negin and Negin have all red part of the stigma. The difference between these two types is that Super Negin saffron threads have no curve, broken, or burn ones.

Pushal and Daste saffron have all parts of stigmas. Pushal is better because it is dried smooth and without curve. These two types are great for who does not recognize real saffron, due to the real shape of saffron stigma; frauds could not copy these types.

You can find also konj as a type of saffron. This type includes only the root part.

Today, due to the speed of our life people need a type of saffron that they can use it easily and it should be ready to use, that is why producers start to produce saffron powder as a type of saffron.

Quality of saffron

According to the professional international tests and experiments, the highest quality belongs to Iranian saffron.

The public word for quality of saffron is the class, but the professional criterion is saffron karat. Based on the results of international lab tests, the best saffron karat is 300 and belongs to Iranian saffron.

The Ghaaneh saffron brand produces the high-quality saffron from the Iran fields of saffron. This brand produces and supplies the saffron with high and great karat.

The price of saffron in Oman

You can find tow different ranges of price for saffron, wholesale and retail. Of course, and like all products wholesale buying is more beneficial.

In Oman, you can find saffron in retail for the 7 to 17 OMR per gram. Also you can find a kilogram of saffron in bulk for about 3000 EUR or about 1,250 OMR, in 2024 in Oman.

Where can you buy your golden spice in Oman?

You can buy your sunshine spice from a local shop or online shop. We can insist that try to buy from trusted sellers and try to learn how to recognize real saffron.

Local shops

As we mentioned find saffron in Oman is not hard. You can buy it in local shops. We introduce some of the most famous local shops in Oman that you can buy your magic spice from.

Muttrah Souq

Souq is a traditional word that means bazaar. The Muttrah Souq is the oldest and the most famous market in Oman. Tourists usually try to see this market. You can see old and modern trades in this market. You can find all traditional and modern things that you could ever think. Saffron is one of the expensive products that sold here in all kinds like perfume, oil, extract, and spice.

Salalah Gardens Mall

The largest mall in Salalah is called the Salalalh Gardens Mall. This mall has a great area that includes a wide variety of shopping, hotel, and entertainment. Many sources said that the architecture of this mall shows the Omani culture to the world. This mall has a large hypermarket that you can order saffron there.

Nizwa Souq

The Souq of Nizwa is one of the oldest Souq in Oman and also it is the most renowned too. One of the great features of this Souq is that the architecture is a combination of traditional and modern one. You can find almost everything in this Souq, even in some especial days you can find live cattle and goat. If you want to see all kinds of saffron and choose between them, here is the best choice.

Online shops

These days, with the Internet you can order everything from everywhere and wait at your home for delivery. You can order the best high-quality saffron from suppliers or producers. The Ghaaneh saffron brand offers you all types of Iranian saffron, the best in the world. You can order online, wholesale or retail.

The Ghaaneh brand makes saffron powder from the high-quality Negin saffron. This brand also produces the economical saffron packs for consumers.


In the past, saffron was just a luxurious spice, but today is different. Today, people use saffron as a drug; they prefer to add this natural medication to their daily diet, instead of using chemical drugs. These points and its health benefits cause an increase in the demand for saffron all around the world. All over the world, and for all products, when the demand increases, the exact result is an increase in the price of the product. The price of saffron is always high, but these years it has a great increase. Unfortunately, saffron price is not fixed.


How can I make my saffron ready to use?

You should brew your saffron. You can brew saffron threads or saffron powder. It is recommended brewing saffron powder. If you do not want to buy saffron powder or you do not know trusted sellers to buy saffron powder, you could make the grounded saffron yourself. Use mortar or spice grinder. You can brew your spice in hot or cold water. It is said that brewing with cold water causes saffron to release more color.

You should add your saffron threads or powder to hot or cold water and wait for about 5-8 minutes. You can see the golden color that this spice releases to water, your saffron is ready to use now.

What is saffron karat?

Saffron karat is a measurement criterion to measure finesse of saffron. The highest karat is 300 and belongs to Ghaaenat, Iranian saffron. You cannot measure saffron karat yourself. Actually, measuring saffron karat needs especial experiments and equipment.

How can I recognize real saffron from fake ones?

There are different tests that you help you to recognize real saffron. First you should look at the shapes of saffron threads. The stigmas have a wide head and narrow end like trumpet. The shapes of these strands are long and smooth. If you see cut, curved and broken threads, do not buy them. The other simple test is brewing test. If you put saffron in the water, it needs at least 5 minutes to release its water. When you put colored fake saffron in water, they release their color in less than 2 minutes. If you use saffron before you can recognize it by its fragrant aroma. There are other tests to recognize saffron too that you can find them on our website.

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