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  • (1克)優質藏紅花線|Super Negin線
  • 價格合理,但品質上乘
  • 全天然高級1 藏紅花
  • 實驗室測試的藏紅花、高水准的番紅花醛(芳香)、番紅花苷(風味)和番紅花素(顏色)
  • 特級藏紅花,Super Negin以其在烹飪和藥用方面的功效而聞名。
  • 並非所有的藏紅花都是平等的,花女王藏紅花根據ISO 3632標準對藏紅花進行嚴格測試,從而獲得世界上最高質量的藏紅花線。
  • 與世界其他地方不同的是,Queen of Flowers與農民合作生產藏紅花。 土壤、地形和種植技術的難以捉摸的融合代代相傳,只能生產出最好的藏紅花。
  • 藏紅花被稱為“黃金香料”,是一種治療香料,在美食家和那些希望從所有健康福利中受益的人中使用。
  • 伊朗產品
  • 家族企業


介紹Crimson Galaxy,這是一種精緻的香料,從充滿活力的深紅色番紅花中精心挑選而成,使其成為您廚房中真正珍貴的補充。

Crimson Galaxy藏紅花擁有一種深紅色的色調,讓人想起銀河系的廣闊。 它獨特的顏色為任何菜肴增添了一絲優雅,非常適合特殊場合或您只是想提升日常飲食水准時食用。

這種藏紅花不僅為你的菜肴增添了視覺上令人驚歎的元素,而且它還賦予了一種獨特的風味,既精緻又有力。 super-negin分類確保您只得到最高質量的藏紅花,具有濃郁的香氣和濃郁的味道。

這款藏紅花的一個突出特點是價格實惠。. 我們知道,優質香料通常價格高昂,但有了Crimson Galaxy藏紅花,您可以享受純藏紅花的奢華,而不會傾家蕩產。 對於那些想在預算內盡情享受香料世界豐富風味的人來說,這是一個完美的選擇。


無論你是在您最喜歡的米飯中加入一小撮,還是將其注入飲料中進行愉快的改變,或者嘗試新的食譜,Crimson Galaxy藏紅花都一定會給人留下深刻印象。 用這種純淨芳香的香料釋放您烹飪創意的真正潜力。

每次使用Crimson Galaxy藏紅花,都能感受到赤金的魅力。 用這種優質香料提升您的烹飪水准,讓您的味蕾飆升到新的高度。 今天就點您的吧,開始一段獨一無二的風味之旅。

藏紅花很貴,但Queen of Flowers承諾讓每天的廚師都能負擔得起。 按克出售或按重量批量出售!


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We are the most trusted saffron wholesaler near you.

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Each strand traveling all the way from the heart of saffron fields!

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Price chart

Super Negin Saffron

$2500 ~ $3000

wholesale saffron price
  • Type: Super Negin
  • Origin: Iran, Khorasan
  • Date: October '2023
  • How to use saffron
How to use saffron
Crocin (Coloring)
Safranal (Taste)
Humidity Levels
Saffron Benefits

Beyond Flavor: Dive into the World of Saffron!

Saffron. The name itself evokes images of luxurious dishes and exotic cuisines. But this "king of spices" offers more than just a vibrant hue and intoxicating aroma. Saffron boasts a treasure trove of potential health benefits that have been explored for centuries!

The exciting ways saffron might enhance your well-being:

  • Mood Magic: Saffron has shown promise in studies related to mood regulation. Its potential antidepressant properties might offer a natural approach to managing low mood.
  • Memory Marvel: Research suggests saffron may play a role in cognitive function and memory. This makes it an intriguing natural option for supporting brain health.
  • Antioxidant Ally: Packed with antioxidants, saffron can help combat free radicals in the body, potentially reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.
  • Immunity Influencer: Early studies suggest saffron might have immune-modulating properties, potentially contributing to a healthy immune system.

But wait, there's more! Saffron is also being explored for its potential benefits in:

  • Managing PMS symptoms
  • Supporting healthy blood sugar levels
  • Promoting eye health

What People Say

Read what our clients have to say about ghaaneh saffron.

Ghaaneh saffron reviews
"Packaging and scent are perfect, flavor is excellent. The reason that it is perfect, is that I compare it with saffron that was given to me directly from Persia. I will order this again and again. Visitors that had my paella raved about the taste and I agree it was excellent, Definitely recommended."
"It came very neatly packaged. The box is exactly as shown in the pictures. I was able to smell it outside the box as well. The flavor is good too. By the flavor and taste so far, I am assuming that it is indeed quite pure."
"Saffron in the super markets is almost impossible to find and when you do it is outrageously priced, like more than gold per gram. So, this was a welcome find for me at a reasonable price with enough quantity to do many batches of Persian Saffron rice."
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